
Access Bars® Session

There are 32-points on the head, that when gently touched helps to release electromagnetic energy.  As seen in brain scans during a session, your whole brain lights up indicating a cohesiveness, and your brain waves slow down. Many clients have reported improved sleep, more energy, better focus, a lightness and more. In-person only.

 $95 for adults | $75 for ages 7-17 | $45 for ages 3-6


Access Energetic Facelift™

This process helps dissipate the energy in your face where you can hold judgement. It can be a relaxing and nurturing process. In-person only.


Meridian Flow Technique

This technique I developed uses Reiki to accesses ki, or universal energy to restore flow. When directing this life-force energy, the body can access it's natural healing abilities. In-person or by distance.


Animal Services

I am certified in Whole Energy Body Balance™ and Animal Reiki. Please visit my website, Body Balance for Pets to learn more. In-person or by distance.


Frequency Scans

Frequency scans are now available.
The AO Scan uses subtle energetic frequencies to analyze and assess the body. It works by transmitting specific frequencies into the body and measuring the body's response to those frequencies. The technology aims to provide insights into the body's energetic state. You may schedule regular sessions with me or gain unlimited access to the AO Scan through a $149 monthly subscription with Solex, the creator of this innovative tool. All you need is your device and headset and you're ready to go!

Book an online consultation to delve deeper into its benefits. Plus, enjoy a free demo!

Read more

Home Clearing

Clearing home, office or property.
Moved to a new home or office, something feels off, your pets aren't getting along? Energy clearing may help. In-person or by distance.

(Mileage fee may apply if traveling outside my service area) 


Phone Consult

Not sure what service is right for you, or have questions? Book a one-time, 15-minute phone or online consultation.

Schedule Appointment